Thursday, February 2, 2012

Globetrotters' Places

Above is an image of Yokohama's main street. The reason I chose this photo is becuase besides a couple elements I would not think this is a street in Japan. The houses from this level look very western. The small coaches, besides probably being man-powered, look very western themselves. Our only real clue that that is Japan is that further down the street there is a Japanese styled gate. It is has large red doors but the signifier is the small roofing the gate has that looks clearly Japanese. Another clue would be the signs for the shops lining the street. All the signs are written in english but on the cigar shop sign it has a Japanese name printed on it. However, that name is written in roman characters. I get a sense of accommodation from this photo. The shops down main street are made to look appealing and accommodating to westerners.



  1. I think what you wrote about this image is good. All the ideas I thought of when I looked at it closely you mentioned. I think your best point and most interesting point is that the buildings in this image look very western. I think that you could have gone a little bit deeper when talking about the buildings looking western. My one suggestion is that you should check your grammar after writing because they are little mistakes that can be fixed.

  2. I also immediately thought this didn't seem like a typical Japanese street; the western style houses, the coaches, and the English sign. This image definitely shows a Westernized street of Japan.

  3. The red gates immediately caught my eyes immediately. I kind of got the message "We'll accommodate to you guys but just remember, we still are Japan". For Westerners, I feel like this photo is supposed to help them feel a sense of home in such a foreign place.
