Thursday, February 2, 2012

Globetrotters' People

Above is an image of a Japanese pipe seller. He is located on the streets of I don't know where. This image came without a description. The pipe seller appears to be making or maybe repairing a pipe as he waits for business. But the greatest thing about this image is that he is ignoring the camera. This is an older gentleman who I believe even if he was asked to "hey smile for the camera" he would not. I am not sure if the photographer conversed with the pipe seller before this picture was taken but I would like to think that he did and the pipe seller being an old man, ignored him. The old man displays a intra-diagetic gaze, focusing on his work. I guess I like this photo becuase it is unlike the extravagant, exaggerated, and staged photos we have seen before.



  1. Hey Ivan, your analysis on The Itinerant Pipe Seller is good. I like how you focused specifically on the pipe seller. I found it interesting when you talked about what him not looking at the camera meant because even the littlest detail can be very important. My only suggestion is that you should have talked more about everything else surrounding the pipe seller because you barely mention anything surrounding him.

  2. Observing his attire, you can tell he isn't a man of status. I like how you mentioned how his gaze isn't focused at the camera. He seems very focused and concentrated on his products, probably since that's how he gets food on the table. Good photo & good analysis:)

  3. Based on his concentration and age, it is likely the image is indicating the man has been doing this for a while and this is his main, perhaps only source of income. The muted color of the photo and his stance give this photo a very humble feeling.
