Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Otaku Unite! 2012

*NOTE* While glancing over the my post be sure to check out the videos I attached. I found them quite humorous and I hope you do too.

The translation of Otaku literally means “your house” and it has become the name of a large and still growing subculture in Japan. It is a properly given name considering otaku are known for rarely leaving their homes if ever. In America we generally associate the word otaku with anime and manga or the people who are considered fans of one or both. In Japan however the term is used to describe a person who has an obsession with any form of entertainment, hobby, or topic. Anime and manga otaku are still the most generic in Japan but there are so many variations.

There has been a growing negativity towards otaku in Japan in the recent years. Between the years of 1988 and 1989, Tsutomu Miyazaki (known for his quiet behavior), killed and raped four girls from the ages between four and seven. He would later be dubbed the “otaku murderer” for a large collection of anime and “slasher films” were found in his apartment. Because of the ”otaku murderer” a case concerning the slaying of another little girl 15 years later would pinned to otaku culture long before the actual murderer was caught. This murder was committed by Kaoru Kobayashi who was in fact, not an otaku. Both of these murders however would forever be associated with otaku but specifically a subgenre called “figure moe zoku” or rather “figure budding clan”. The word moe (budding) is now often associated with the growth and development of young girls and is used by otaku to describe something cute. Figure moe zoku are known for collecting small figurines of anime characters and are believed to have agalmatophilia (the sexual attraction towards statues, dolls, or figurines). Due to the fact that figurines are non-living and that in both cases sexual molestation happened after the victim was dead, figure moe zoku are all considered to be potential criminals. The connections between the murders and otaku were all generated and delivered by the media. However in Japan it would take only one murder for a subculture to be slapped with a negative connotation and due to the vile nature of the crimes it is easy to see why. But even with the murders put aside, it is understandable that otaku are viewed with a certain negativity because after all their obsessions are with things deemed “uncool” by the general public. Because of the negative association (apparently 30 year old man with an obsession of anime meant for 5 year old girls is frowned upon in today’s society) otaku lack social skills and confidence and usually seek a life of solitude. This kind of lifestyle has become even more preferable to otaku due to the recent development of the internet.

Any otaku can get his fix of anime, manga, and etc. through the internet. And about 70% do just that. Obviously, if they are collectors of certain items (which most are), they can have whatever it is delivered to their door through purchases on online stores. Since the recent development of social media on the internet (such as forums, blogs, and so forth) otaku now have less reasons to leave their rooms. Otaku are generally shy and submissive and therefore prefer online interactions because it does not require a face to face encounter not to mention otaku online are usually socializing with other otaku who share the same interest(s). The typical home for an otaku is usually a one room apartment with extensive shelving (to hold figures, models, manga, and etc.) a computer, a television, a bed adorned with anime themed sheets, walls covered in posters, and the floor is cluttered with game consoles and everything that did not fit onto the shelves. I was asked in class how otaku are able to afford everything if they refuse to leave their rooms. I believe I said that they mooch off their parents and it turns out that I wasn’t too far off. Some otaku still live with their parents and some can afford to keep up with their hobby and have a one room apartment by becoming a computer programmer which doesn’t require them to leave their rooms. Some even become competitive gamers, joining tournaments, and getting paid depending on how well they perform. So for these reasons an otaku hardly ever has to leave his room. Hikikomori (literally meaning “pulling inward” or “being confined”) is a Japanese term used to refer to social withdrawal which many otaku are considered to have. People who suffer from hikikomori stay in their rooms for up to six months or longer. Hikikomori, or generally the otaku obsession, cuts into their studies (since hikikomori is mostly associated with younger males) and therefore the typical otaku is not usually assumed to be smart. The Japanese Ministry of Health estimate there are 3,600,000 hikikomori living in Japan but due to their reclusive nature it is extremely hard to accurately estimate how many there actually are.

If ever an otaku was to venture out beyond the sanctity of his room, it would be to Akihabara. Akihabara is a shopping district in Tokyo known for selling electronics and anime goods and has become sort of a refuge of otaku. Maid cafes have become very popular in Akihabara due to the loyal following of Otaku. In maid cafes young women dressed in traditional maid attire serves their customers very expensive drinks and food. Otaku simply find this appealing due to the women, their dress, and the fact that they sometimes have to flirt with the customers. Otaku are known for being quite perverse, after all they lack any kind of romantic relationships in their lives and this usually leads otaku to become romantically and sexually interested in their favorite anime characters (who are over sexualized anyways) thus, an obsession is formed.

Unlike many subcultures that are almost always classified by their physical appearance, otaku lack a sense of fashion and therefore a very significant style. It is also hard to talk about the stereotypical image of an otaku since most otaku are hardly ever seen. However, I believe the stereotypical image of an otaku is that of glasses, a heavy coat, and with their shirt tucked in (pants well above their waist). I can’t so much about otaku fashion except for I am sure not all otaku wear glasses… and the origin of the rain coat/parka is an interesting story. The anorak (parka) was popular amongst youths in the UK for a brief period of time in the 1980’s. Eventually when it was deemed unpopular the only people who were still wearing them were, by the Japanese term, otaku. Rail fans (or train spotters) adorned the heavy coat for it was practical for their hobby and they did not care about their appearance. Therefore, the heavy coat was from then on associated with nerd and geek culture.

Despite the negativity that follows otaku, they have been presented extensively and quite positively through the media. Otaku in popular forms of media are almost always depicted as comical and most of the time too stupid to be anything other than innocent. A popular story concerning otaku is the story of “Densha Otoko (Train Man).” This is a very popular story for it is widely considered to be true. Densha Otoko first started out as a book but would later be turned into a film, TV series, manga, and would have several anime adaptations. It is a story of an otaku who stands up for a woman who was being harassed by a drunk man on the train. She admires his courage and they begin to date. As they are dating, the otaku creates a message board asking for help because he has no experience in dating a woman. Eventually this otaku is able to overcome his obsession, throwing away his collection, and the supposed belief is that he and the girl he is dating live happily ever after. This was a very popular story long before the book based on it was ever created. The supposed total of replies on this message board is around 30,000. The story is depicted through these various forms of media as romantic but also comedic. It is however a very inspiring story considering otaku usually have unhealthy obsessions and to overcome this is quite a tremendous feat.

A funny scene from the tv series:

Another funny scene from the tv series:

Another story worth mentioning is “Boys on the Run.” It is the story of a 29 year old otaku who is still leaving at home. He is not in the serious stages of hikikomori and is one of the few otaku who has a job that requires him to leave home (even though that job is working on computers). He is a socially awkward guy and also very sexually frustrated. He is quite obsessed with pornoprapghy and sex. However he meets a girl who takes a liking to him and he becomes very emotionally attached to this girl. He gives up his sexual desires in hopes to have a meaningful relationship with her. I don’t want to ruin the movie but due to certain events he and the girl split and he later adopts a mohawk (ode to “Taxi Driver”) and is forced to fight in her honor but to no avail. It is a very good film but is also very serious and touches on very sensitive topics. If you are a fan of off-the-wall foreign films I highly recommend you watch it. I attached a trailer below.


As anime and manga became popular in the United States, naturally the term otaku did too. The term was often used in anime and manga and some (as I described in the previous paragraph) deal with the natural lives of otaku in normal society, void of all science fiction and fantasy elements. Otaku culture was naturally adopted as a successor to trekkies (star trek fans) her in America. Popular events for otaku to attend here in the U.S. are the annual anime conventions where fans can go dressed up as their favorite anime characters and socialize with other fans. The growing number of anime conventions and attendance continue to grow and some of the biggest conventions take place right here in PA. Many people who grew up on anime (starting with our generation) had no clue such shows like “Pokemon”, “Dragon Ball Z”, and “Power Rangers” were Japanese creations because of the localization process. As this generation grew older and more educated the popularity of anime became more popular along with other aspects of Japanese culture. Anime and manga inspires its fans to learn the Japanese language and to take classes involved in Japan area studies. I guess you could say I am an example of this.

Of course otaku are not bad people and shouldn’t be seen as though. I believe as older people die off and the more considerate younger generation takes their place, otaku will stop being looked down upon for their interests in things that aren’t necessarily popular (at least anime and manga and nothing too extreme).

I plan on adding more concerning other otaku characters in different forms of media. Also I might post more on anime conventions, just some basic information about the big name conventions and what kind of activities go on at these things.





Monday, May 7, 2012


Just want you to know I am running a little behind but I will have a post for you to comment on before the deadline is over.

Thank you